I have done some research on numerous websites and books and talked to a few people and someone linked me to this thread.
Everything I have read in that post above seemed to be accurate other than the food issue and the issue on moving out of a major city.
** EDIT HERE ** This also was accurate even though he posted a year before? Obviously he received very true information **
But if food is going to be an issue I am just passing this on for anyone that may believe it get a start on it.
If you don't believe and flame it than so be it. Safe than sorry.
I am looking at this like if it isn't true.. well that is good news and thank god lol
If this IS true than................. protect yourself and your family and don't trust everyone... I can't say don't trust anyone because you may find a good person.. but be careful, i read that people will steal, hurt, threaten you just to get food or whatever else you own.
Also apparently people that have the knowledge is a threat to national security and you will be put on a list. Red, blue, or yellow.
This idea is similar to the nazi's with hitlers idea of concentration camps.
It is very sad and a lot of people I know are on the blue lists... the red lists are for leaders of groups and such positions that are threats. yellow is for everyone else that does not know and probably does not want to know.
Everything I wrote here can be researched easily. I can do links if anyone wants to learn more.
Love and Light everyone
(I posted here to hear, amongst other sites, for more talking to the youth and getting their opinion on what they feel about this) (It may be immature but as long as people know is how I can help out)