Turn Xbox on , Insert BFBC2, then UPDATE . Play for a bit, hit the dashboard, go to Netflx. UPDATE . Watch some stuff, hit the dashboard, insert BFBC2......UPDATE!!!!one!1 . Go back to netflix, update... *major fucking rage build up(calm before the storm)* Then.... *Mike Tyson combo to my wall* *Homerun swings to the side of closet door with my Louisville slugger*.
I dont fucking get this crap! Update, after fucking update... ALL THE TIME. I mean its not just BFBC2, and Netflix.... its like everyfucking game I actively play! . Sometimes I can go back to something and it will work... but as I turn off the Xbox and turn it back on.... the game WILL update again.
Im going nuts... I keep searching for solutions... but i cant find any...
I was hoping you guys might know anything about this?