Archived: angry video game nerd
Posted Under: Gaming
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angry video game nerd
03/03/09 1:31 pm | #1
iam sure alot of you have seen james rolfes alter ego but for the few that havent you should he is good stuff his most of his stuff from you tube has been pulled but he has his own site check him out youll be glad you did

Re: angry video game nerd
03/03/09 10:38 pm | #2
wow that isa long sentence talking about the guys stuff and where not to find it do you know what his website is or ami supposed to google it 

Re: angry video game nerd
03/04/09 12:36 am | #4
He's great. I wish he did modern video games more.
Re: angry video game nerd
03/04/09 1:11 am | #6
I dunno seeing him shit on halo 3 would be awesome
Re: angry video game nerd
03/05/09 1:34 pm | #7
lol good lookin out i cant believe i forgot to post website lol
Re: angry video game nerd
03/08/09 1:53 pm | #8
I love AVGN. I think he should do a mix of old and new games
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