Archived: abstract360.com members join the XBA social group.
Posted Under: Gaming
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abstract360.com members join the XBA social group.
04/16/10 10:30 pm | #1
i set a group up for XBA

Re: abstract360.com members join the XBA social group.
04/16/10 10:55 pm | #2
Spreading the name of XBA... One ninja at a time.
Re: abstract360.com members join the XBA social group.
04/16/10 10:59 pm | #4
It seems only like yesterday that we were changing his diapers and he was getting flamed.. *sniffle* They grow up so fast!!!
Re: abstract360.com members join the XBA social group.
04/16/10 11:17 pm | #5
His Mother (Melissa Evol) Raised him Well

Re: abstract360.com members join the XBA social group.
04/17/10 4:21 am | #6
If Melissa is his mother, who is his father??
Re: abstract360.com members join the XBA social group.
04/17/10 11:32 am | #7
wayy too many 360 site out there xD
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