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Archived: A special gift, from Meta.
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A special gift, from Meta.
07/26/10 11:22 am | #1
Well today, I received 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand from the Waffle Order via Meta. Included with the game were pedophile looking young girl stickers on the envelope, but inside the envelope was AWESOME!
Instant glamour kit and some badass tattoos! See pic below!

Thanks Meta!
Re: A special gift, from Meta.
07/26/10 11:34 am | #3
that just made my day lol
Re: A special gift, from Meta.
07/26/10 11:40 am | #4
meta = <3
Re: A special gift, from Meta.
07/26/10 12:15 pm | #5
Meta and AJ that is truely EPIC, that is by far the best thing I have ever seen. Now you guys see why I tell every new member welcome to the nuthouse, you two are our prize nuts.
Re: A special gift, from Meta.
07/26/10 12:53 pm | #6
Thoes need to be bundled with WAY more games. roflulz
Re: Re: A special gift, from Meta.
07/26/10 12:55 pm | #7
Quote by legends70:
Thoes need to be bundled with WAY more games. roflulz
That's what I think too!
Re: Re: A special gift, from Meta.
07/26/10 1:59 pm | #10
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Hahaha, Meta must have seen AJ asking me if I had anything he could borrow to make himself feel pretty...
Re: A special gift, from Meta.
07/26/10 2:07 pm | #12
HMMMMM...... does meta know you well or what aj
Re: A special gift, from Meta.
07/26/10 2:16 pm | #13
Re: A special gift, from Meta.
07/26/10 2:20 pm | #14
Re: A special gift, from Meta.
07/26/10 2:25 pm | #15
@Melissa - 
@Window - he knows me all to well! 
The thing that still bothers me about this is that Meta walked into Claire's or some store like that and probably just bought that little girl's glamour kit... I could only imagine how that went down!
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