Archived: You got the message sidemission in GTA4
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You got the message sidemission in GTA4
10/29/09 10:14 am | #1
Somewhere along the way, i deleted the message from Stevie about stealing the 30 cars. Now i don't know which car at which location im supposed to steal first
Anybody else have this problem?

Re: You got the message sidemission in GTA4
10/29/09 3:06 pm | #2
Here's a link to the guide at x360a. It should help.
Re: You got the message sidemission in GTA4
10/29/09 4:00 pm | #3
I took and loaded my last save, put my phone on silent, and then drove to everyspot looking for the car for that area, and they are still not showing up. I also did this with the phone on as well, but same results. Maybe the time of day has something to do with it, cause i couldn't get to every single spot during daylight hours.
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