I haven't been able to get it to work. When connecting to live, the ip address stage fails. I made sure to allow internet sharing in the ethernet port of my Macbook Pro, and make sure the firewall wasn't getting in the way. Does anyone with experience with Macs have a solution? If not, I rather not have to keep my PC on whenever I want to play.
Archived: Xbox Live through Laptop
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Xbox Live through Laptop
07/27/07 8:17 pm | #1
I've been switching my 360 between it's regular home by the 50" HDTV and a 19" monitor. I need a way to get Xbox Live when I'm using the 19". I tried my Linksys wireless adapter but the 360 didn't recognize it. The monitor is right next to my laptop, and my pc. I have an extra ethernet cable, and I figured I should be able to share, or 'bridge' the connection on my laptop to the 360.
I haven't been able to get it to work. When connecting to live, the ip address stage fails. I made sure to allow internet sharing in the ethernet port of my Macbook Pro, and make sure the firewall wasn't getting in the way. Does anyone with experience with Macs have a solution? If not, I rather not have to keep my PC on whenever I want to play.
I haven't been able to get it to work. When connecting to live, the ip address stage fails. I made sure to allow internet sharing in the ethernet port of my Macbook Pro, and make sure the firewall wasn't getting in the way. Does anyone with experience with Macs have a solution? If not, I rather not have to keep my PC on whenever I want to play.
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