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Archived: What's behind YOUR Gamertag?
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What's behind YOUR Gamertag?
06/10/09 10:10 pm | #1
Basically what the title says.
Mine is PureEvil x21 because I used to be on a local Paintball team here in Iowa called Pure Evil. The 21 was the # on my jersey, and the x was added because, oddly enough, someone already had PureEvil21.
Your turn.
Also, it has come to my attention, since the making of this Epic thread, that there are in fact, 2 other Gamertag threads. Some of these people have reposted here, some have not. If you would like to read up on some of these other Gamertags, you can find them here:
Re: What's behind YOUR Gamertag?
06/10/09 10:21 pm | #3
Grenade Jumper is an awesome song by the band Fall Out Boy, before they sucked. I loved this song and decided to make it my gamertag. The 'x' and the '7' were because GrenadeJumper was taken =/
Re: What's behind YOUR Gamertag?
06/10/09 10:35 pm | #4
I think Freddy Krueger is the best fucking horror movie icon ever, and my gamertag is to pay my respect to him as he is the ONLY horror movie character to scare me as a child. The 1428 is Nancy's address: 1428 Elm. Street
Re: What's behind YOUR Gamertag?
06/10/09 10:43 pm | #5
Sean is my name... 22 just stuck somehow, i told Shockwave but i forgot now, TM stands for Toy Machine which is a skate company
Originally i wanted to be simply "TM22" but that was taken so i threw my name into the mix thus creating... SeanTM22
Re: What's behind YOUR Gamertag?
06/10/09 11:02 pm | #6
I've been using Irish or some variation on it since my SOCOM days on my old PS2 to express my pride in my Irish heritage. It started as DrunknIrishman and I later shortened it to just IRiSH. Added the OH, for Ohio, when I started my Live account.
Re: Re: What's behind YOUR Gamertag?
06/10/09 11:33 pm | #9
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
I checked behind my gamertag and all that was there was my TV? I guess I dont get it....

lol. Only you Top Dogs, only you......
Re: What's behind YOUR Gamertag?
06/11/09 3:19 am | #12
im in a clan called dubbz and i was thinking whos badass. First i though of chuck noris but rambo sounded better so thats how DUBBz RAMBO was bored.
Re: What's behind YOUR Gamertag?
06/11/09 5:21 am | #13
First of all you need to know that I love to skateboard. I've been at it since I was about 14 years old. Whenever AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) first came out I registered and needed a user name. The only name I wanted to use at the time was 'iskateboard.'
Unfortunately I couldn't use the name because it had already been taken by someone else. After thinking about using a completely different name, I decided to switch the letters around in 'iskateboard' to get 'istakebroad.' This name stuck and I've used it ever since.
Looking back, I'm happy that I have such an awkward tag or username. Whenever I set up an account anywhere, I'm guaranteed that no one is using that name.
/end rant
Re: What's behind YOUR Gamertag?
06/11/09 7:43 am | #14
My gamertag? It's my name....real name.. yes. I said the heck with it when I couldn't migrate my original gamertag, which was Arionel (I'm Arionel everywhere else on forums) from my original Xbox Live account. And I couldn't think of anything else original, I was too frustrated.
Re: What's behind YOUR Gamertag?
06/11/09 8:53 am | #15
John Roggers...hahah my internet Alias since highschool xD
though it's slowly switching over to Big Ben >.> haha
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