Archived: Vidmaster Deaj vu
Posted Under: Gaming
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Vidmaster Deaj vu
10/02/09 9:32 pm | #1
I need help and need 3 ppl anyone what in?
Re: Vidmaster Deaj vu
10/02/09 9:38 pm | #2
Yea, i would be down, what day??
Re: Vidmaster Deaj vu
10/02/09 11:10 pm | #3
well was hoping for tonight but it doesnt look like it maybe sat
Re: Vidmaster Deaj vu
10/02/09 11:28 pm | #4
I'm still down will be on at firenight for fire fight or that
Re: Vidmaster Deaj vu
10/02/09 11:44 pm | #5
well we still need 2 other ppl for it, any takers?
Re: Re: Vidmaster Deaj vu
10/03/09 12:13 am | #6
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
Yea, i would be down, what day??
hey u up for it today?
Re: Vidmaster Deaj vu
10/03/09 12:17 am | #7
need 2 more ppl, me and another guy r standing by, rdy to go
Re: Vidmaster Deaj vu
10/08/09 2:40 pm | #9
still need this achievement anyone feel like doing it tonight?
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