Above is the link for a seller on eBay who has a lot of the game Too Human for 8.50 plus 1 something shipping, I just 5 copies because gamestop buys them for 15+ depending on which store it is, they sell for 25 used and 30 new, jump all over this deal!!!
Archived: Too Human NEW for 10 bucks
Posted Under: Hot Deals!
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Too Human NEW for 10 bucks
08/18/09 2:24 pm | #1
Above is the link for a seller on eBay who has a lot of the game Too Human for 8.50 plus 1 something shipping, I just 5 copies because gamestop buys them for 15+ depending on which store it is, they sell for 25 used and 30 new, jump all over this deal!!!
Above is the link for a seller on eBay who has a lot of the game Too Human for 8.50 plus 1 something shipping, I just 5 copies because gamestop buys them for 15+ depending on which store it is, they sell for 25 used and 30 new, jump all over this deal!!!
Re: Too Human NEW for 10 bucks
08/18/09 2:29 pm | #2
10 dollars is a good deal, but nothing beats getting Too Human for FREE!
Re: Too Human NEW for 10 bucks
08/18/09 2:31 pm | #3
i dont kno for sure but im pretty sure u wont get 15 from gamestop but all the power to ya. when im done watching this movie ill call and find out for ya.
Re: Re: Too Human NEW for 10 bucks
08/18/09 2:33 pm | #4
Quote by orange20:
i dont kno for sure but im pretty sure u wont get 15 from gamestop but all the power to ya. when im done watching this movie ill call and find out for ya.
i already have, they have one of them deals for the next couple months out by me where you get 10% the more games you trade, so i'll be averaging 15 per game
Re: Too Human NEW for 10 bucks
08/18/09 2:36 pm | #5
Just a question, did you let them know you were trading in multiple copies of the same game? I could be horribly wrong but I thought they limited the number of copies of the same title they would take from you at a time. Kind of to protect them from this type of thing, but I could be wrong.
Re: Too Human NEW for 10 bucks
08/18/09 2:38 pm | #6
Yea i only bought 5 of them and i plan on keeping 1, so i'm only trading in 4... they said it was cool
they said the have a limit of 10 games of the same title that you can trade in at once
they said the have a limit of 10 games of the same title that you can trade in at once
Re: Too Human NEW for 10 bucks
08/18/09 2:41 pm | #7
LMAO 10 games at once.... yeah not a real limit then
Re: Re: Too Human NEW for 10 bucks
08/18/09 2:59 pm | #8
Quote by Minioger:
LMAO 10 games at once.... yeah not a real limit then
lol, good for me
Re: Too Human NEW for 10 bucks
08/26/09 1:41 am | #9
Anyone want to play too human with me and get the cheevs for it?
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