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Archived: Tony Hawk's Project 8

Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: Tony Hawk's Project 8
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Burnt Waffle
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were like twins dude..haha. But yea, i mean your not ganna do 5 grabs and 3 flips in the air in real life off a half pipe, but this game seems to make it alot more realistic with that slow down thing where you hit the thumbs stick to guide the board. It seemed to me to make it alot more, relaistic with that 1 MAYBE 2 trick possibilty that you can do within that time. And true its never going to amount to the real thing, but have you ever played Thrasher, it was insanely real. down to when your time limit was up, there would be like a guard chasing you or a dog or something like that, and you would be in his eyes as you had you had to skate away from him. So your looking at yourself through the guards eyes, and you had to skate as fast as you could and hide or get yourself outta there before he cought you and beat the crap outta you. And that game was all about the real, 1 tickers, kickflip off this onto this and do a method from this. It was sweet, you should check it out if you have a PSX or a PS2.
Re: Tony Hawk's Project 8

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Thrasher was the s**t! I wish they made some more, but I guess they couldnt keep up with Neversoft. And wasnt it for PS1?
Re: Tony Hawk's Project 8
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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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yea it was for PSX, but by having a PS2 you can still play it, what with its full backwards compadibility and what not, but yea dude, that game was insanely awesome, in fact im ganna be on a hunt for it now so i can get it and start playing it again
Re: Tony Hawk's Project 8

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PSX...wasnt that a big white PS2 that I never saw in storeS?
Re: Tony Hawk's Project 8
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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Nah man, it was the other code name, i think offical one, of the origional Playstation, but that white PS2 like the white PSP are pimp, i wish i couldve found a white PSP before i got mine. But its still sweet, by the way have you played the Tony Hawk game on PSP, its pretty good.
Re: Tony Hawk's Project 8

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OK, so we are on the same page...the same Thrasher game at least. And I played it once on my cousins PSP. I thought it was pretty badass for a handheld game.
Re: Tony Hawk's Project 8
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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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yea dude, i was doing kickflips from the comfort of my own bathroom, its was sweet! I just wish i couldve played that one online too. I cant wait for this Project 8 man, we both need it get it and skate online, make some kinda skate clan, you up for it?
Re: Tony Hawk's Project 8

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Hellz yea
Re: Tony Hawk's Project 8
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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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to the extreme!
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