So I'm really trying to get some more achievements on some games I already have before I start any new ones. I have had some difficulty finding anyone to play with in the ranked matches on Timeshift. Everyone seems to play on the player matches and there are at least half a dozen achievements I can not get due to them needing to be in ranked matches. If anyone has time and would like to play this game, I would love it. We don't even have to boost, I enjoy playing this game and if a few of us wanted to get together just to play and have a legitimate shot of earning some achievements that would be awesome. I am pretty much open this whole weekend with the exception of the OSU-Penn State game and church on sunday morning.
And of course I'm not against boosting if anyone else has this game and has the same issues.
Since I usually don't check the threads very often on saturday or sunday if you read this later and want to play, just shoot me a message on xbox live.