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Closed: Threadjacking
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06/27/08 5:43 pm | #1
I didn't even realize there was any kind of dispute until just a few minutes ago.
Off-topic posting does not violate any of Xbox America's rules, although it would ideally be done in the Off-Topic forum 
I don't really feel there's any issue here except maybe some personal ones. Please, ignore any comments made in the heat of the moment. I'd like to maintain the positive atmosphere we have here. I don't want to see anymore discussion about what comments were made on the subject.
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 5:44 pm | #2
Yeah, that one got pretty out of hand!!
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 5:48 pm | #3
I must have missed something...
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 5:52 pm | #4
Quote by theevol1:
Yeah, that one got pretty out of hand!!
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 5:54 pm | #5
Mayhem's blog is gone now, but the I'm backkkkk thread, brought up some old problems that got out of hand and a blog about bashers and threadjackers was made. It was swiftly squashed by our friendly neighborhood Admins.
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 5:54 pm | #6
WTF? I must have missed something BIG! Can someone please let me know what it was? I want to avoid making this mistake obviously, but without knowing what went down...
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 5:56 pm | #7
Quote by theevol1:
Mayhem's blog is gone now, but the I'm backkkkk thread, brought up some old problems that got out of hand and a blog about bashers and threadjackers was made. It was swiftly squashed by our friendly neighborhood Admins.
Ohhh.... Okay. Please disregard my last post then.
Thanks for the info evol1!
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 5:58 pm | #8
It seem as though all parties involved have cooled their heads now!
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 6:00 pm | #9
it was the heat of the moment. tellin me what my heart meant
the heat of the moment. shown in your eyes
good song
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 6:01 pm | #10
yeah...it seems the dust has settled......for now
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 6:17 pm | #11
It's definately a good read though! It's just too bad about the direction it took. Hopefully all parties involved have indeed cooled their heads now so we can all move on.
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 6:43 pm | #12
Look what i do, i make a harmless thread and we get an announcement from the boss
O well, everyone's good with each other i hope
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 6:54 pm | #13
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 6:55 pm | #14
Re: Threadjacking
06/27/08 7:20 pm | #15
my computer is down for like a day and a half and i miss the biggest thing since
well since pong
all i can say is wow
and watch to make sure the intention of your post is very clear
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