To countdown to the release of the new Friday the 13th movie, a re-make of the classic slasher flick, we get to enjoy a Play and Win Sweepstakes featuring Gears of War 2. Starting February 1st and continuing through the 13th, you have the chance to win one of 13 Grand Prizes and 65 Daily Prize Packages. Here's the low down on the loot:
Sixty-Five Daily Prizes Packages (five winners Per Daily Prize Period):
* Gears of War 2 video game soundtrack
* Gears of War Aspho Fields novel
* A 12" x 18" Gears of War 2 promotional poster autographed by members of the Epic development team
* An in-game Golden Hammerburst and Lancer weapon
Thirteen Grand Prize Packages:
* A Samsung 40-inch 1080p flat panel LCD HDTV
* A Locust Bust
* A red Xbox 360 Wireless Controller
* A Marcus Fenix bronze statue
* Gears of War 2 video game soundtrack
* Gears of War Aspho Fields novel
* A 12" x 18" Gears of War 2 promotional poster autographed by members of the Epic development team
* An in-game Golden Hammerburst and Lancer weapon

One entry can be earned each day starting February 1st at 12:01 PST (with each day ending at 11:59 PST). All winners will be contacted based on their Live Profile info, so make sure it is up to date. To enter, all you have to do is go to the Xbox Live Marketplace, go to Explore Game Content, find Warner Bros and download the 13 Days of Gears Registration Gamer Picture, or simply do it here.
I truthfully don't know what Jason and Locusts have in common other than killing people, but unless you have Triskaidekaphobia (a fear of the number 13), this is a good way to snag yourself some nice Gears 2 swag. Although if I happen to win, someone else can have that Locust bust....that thing is already freaking me out!