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Archived: The New Xbox America
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The New Xbox America
12/24/08 1:28 pm | #1
Welcome to Xbox America, version two!
This project has been going on in the background for the past year. Development first started in early January 08. I've been so excited about it, it's been hard to keep mum -- hence all the mysterious comments.
This is not your old Xbox America. In fact, no line of code remains the same between the old Xbox America and this version. While the old one used a third party forum software, the new one is completely custom written just for Xbox America. This allows us to cater to exactly to your needs rather than the generic forum's needs.
I don't expect this transition to go flawlessly. I anticipate several bugs and glitches, but with all your help we can identify and squash them.
Thank you everyone for your continued support.
Merry Christmas,
Jackson Owens
Re: Re: The New Xbox America
12/24/08 1:35 pm | #4
Quote by Shockwave22:
It looks awesome, and I'll need 2 get used to it,
1 question i have is how can I submit news articles?
If you go to the news directory (through the news link in top navigation), and scroll all the way down there should be a button that says "Write For Us." Click that, and it'll take you to the page to submit news articles.
I'm going to try to put something more prominent at the top of the page too because the link at the bottom of the page is hard to find.
Re: The New Xbox America
12/24/08 1:41 pm | #6
Looks great Boobie. It's like a more modern feel if you know what I mean.
Re: Re: The New Xbox America
12/24/08 1:49 pm | #9
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
Very nice layout. Thank you Boobie for rolling this out, and I would assume that Zoboa was helping for awhile as well?
Anyways, love the new layout. Going to have to make a new bookmark. Just one question. Below the Recent Releases - Recent News - Currently Popular - Hot Threads.... there is a grey bar with this: You must set the ad_network_ads.txt file to be writable (check file name as well).
What does it mean?
Yeah, Zoboa played an important role in providing feedback and determining what features to include. With no programming experience, he wasn't involved in the actual development.
Thanks for pointing that last bit out. We're a part of an ad network and I need to set it up on this installation still. I'll work on that now.
Edit: Fixed.
Re: Re: The New Xbox America
12/24/08 1:56 pm | #11
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
And there seems to be a problem with loading the My Games section. It says loading Games, but no games pop up.
It usually takes a few seconds. Are you sure they never appear? Do you have javascript enabled?
Re: Re: The New Xbox America
12/24/08 2:00 pm | #14
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
JS is enabled, and I will check again to make sure.
EDIT: They only appear if I remove the "Only show games I've played" filter.
Maybe I should disable that by default?
Re: Re: The New Xbox America
12/24/08 2:01 pm | #15
Quote by Shockwave22:
I realy like the new version GREAT JOB

Quote by da1337nesMonstr:
Looks great Boobie. It's like a more modern feel if you know what I mean.
Quote by Lou83:
This is awesome. It looks very clean and sophisticated. I love it. Good job Boobie. You've done it again. Merry Christmas to you and to everyone else.
Thanks Everyone!
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