Ok, so I just watched E3 day 1. And I saw the demo for Killzone 2. And it looks AMAZING. Then an used-to-be-impossible thought crossed my head. I might enjoy buying a PS3. Now about a year ago, I would of punched myself for even thinking of such a thing (

), but now it seems like a reasonable idea. I used to hate the PS3, but now I've seen some of it's stuff, and I'm no longer prejudiced to it.
What with Killzone 2, Resistance 1 & 2, Ratchet and Clank, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, I think it is actually a decent idea. If I ever get enough money, I might buy it.
So my purpose of posting this is to ask your opinion of it. If I had the money, should I buy a PS3? I would get the lower model of course.