Archived: Tera Patrick and Saints Row 2
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Tera Patrick and Saints Row 2
07/30/08 11:06 am | #2
writing on the wall " flop" THQ is reaching for marketing ploys.
Re: Tera Patrick and Saints Row 2
07/30/08 11:19 am | #3
I don't know....I've never played the original Saints Row and it has alot of acclaim...the sequel is supposed to be pretty sweet...(and with co-op, no less)
Re: Tera Patrick and Saints Row 2
07/30/08 11:53 am | #4
Saints Row did a lot of things right. It wasn't the best graphically and it didn't stretch boundaries for a sandbox type game, but it was definitely worth the purchase price. I can't wait to see how SR2 will go up against GTAIV in the playability department.
Re: Tera Patrick and Saints Row 2
07/30/08 8:50 pm | #7
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
Who's Tera Patrick???
Seriously!? Damn guess you gotta be a ol timer to know Tera.
Re: Tera Patrick and Saints Row 2
07/30/08 9:01 pm | #9
I don't know who she is... Ya I haven't played SR before either. Is it more like GTA or Crackdown? Cuz I loved Crackdown, but GTA, not so much (well I played San Andreas)
Re: Tera Patrick and Saints Row 2
07/30/08 9:03 pm | #10
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
man I'm only 20....and even I know her.....
she does make some good porn, especially the "virtual" ones.......I mean thats only what i've heard. hahha
Re: Tera Patrick and Saints Row 2
07/30/08 9:21 pm | #12
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
You see. I be 15.
And that is a no-no.
And that is a no-no.

I found my first porn magazine in the woods behind my house when I was around 10, havent been the same since.
So I wonder what role Tera will play in the game?