Archived: Tekken 6
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Tekken 6
01/03/07 1:15 pm | #1
In another loss for Sony, reports say that Tekken 6 will be available for the 360 shortly after it's release on the PS3. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but if there are a lot of games that come out for all 3 next gen consoles, with the possible exception of a few games for the Wii, I would rather play all games on the 360, if for nothing else than the gamer points. I had a nasty habit of getting to the middle of a game and never finishing, but the 360 has made me finish just about every game.
Re: Tekken 6
03/26/07 12:43 am | #3
that would be awesome. ive always liked the Tekken series and if it really does come out for the 360 ill probably end up getting it

Re: Tekken 6
12/21/07 10:43 pm | #4
It probably will. I asked someone at Game Stop, and they said the news are true, so I'm excited about that.
Re: Tekken 6
12/21/07 10:57 pm | #5
I still have that nasty habit.
Re: Tekken 6
12/22/07 12:01 am | #6
only time il finish a game is if it interest me.
y would i play a game that i dun like just for points, well thats just me.
and ya tekken is awesome i use to always kill my cousin about a dozen times in a row using that one Chinese dude(cant remember his name) the one that kicked u when he back flips/front flips.
any new on fable2 cus i havnt heard anything in a while?
y would i play a game that i dun like just for points, well thats just me.
and ya tekken is awesome i use to always kill my cousin about a dozen times in a row using that one Chinese dude(cant remember his name) the one that kicked u when he back flips/front flips.
any new on fable2 cus i havnt heard anything in a while?
Re: Tekken 6
12/22/07 8:47 am | #7
tekken 6 is gonna be awesome i like all the tekkens
Re: Tekken 6
12/22/07 10:24 am | #8
Err had Tekken 6 on reserve for the PS3 because I'm a huge fan of the series, buying it is just a must and now with this news might go switch it over to the 360 version, then again only fighting game I own for my PS3 is Virtua Fighter 5.
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