So i just got my Netflix PS3 disc...
11/06/09 2:50 pm | #1
Ok, well i got my Netflix Ps3 instant stream disc today. Installed it...and just like i thought it was almost identical to the way the 360 lays out Netflix. It needs a bit of work though as far as the layout goes. But more importantly, i was worried about the quality. So i picked a random movie (Ghostbusters 2), and it was really low quality at first but eventually got pretty decent. I will say that it was almost as good as 360. 360 has a bit of a edge FOR ME, only because my 360 streams HD on instant almost every time.
My verdict!
The 360 instant stream is obviously better for now. It has a easy lay out that can be browsed hella fast. And the quality for me on the 360 seems a tad better. However the PS3 quality isnt bad at all. Another big factor is that....PSN is free...and me having Netflix on their now, really makes me think why i pay for xbox live. (But thats another story for another day).