Just curious what your thoughs would be on this. Would you get it if you liked that last one or you think like me on this?Did you like the last one along with the DLC to make it worth while playing it.
Archived: Scene It - BLBS
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Scene It - BLBS
09/02/09 2:59 am | #1
In case anyone was interested the are releasing another Scene it game in around mid November. It's called Scenen It - Bright Lights Big Screen. I have both games and I think they should of made this game as a DLC for the scene it BOS instead of releasing another game.
Just curious what your thoughs would be on this. Would you get it if you liked that last one or you think like me on this?Did you like the last one along with the DLC to make it worth while playing it.
Just curious what your thoughs would be on this. Would you get it if you liked that last one or you think like me on this?Did you like the last one along with the DLC to make it worth while playing it.
Re: Scene It - BLBS
09/02/09 9:29 am | #2
I think a new game is probably necessary, DLC is nice especially for the price tag, but if you play BOS with friends you tend to get alot of repeated questions (especially if you've played alot). Having a new game also gives the developer the ability to put in new puzzle types and take out some that weren't so great. I just hope they sell it without the controllers at a reduced price since I have 8 now.
Re: Scene It - BLBS
09/02/09 10:08 am | #3
I will be picking this up in November. (disc only).
Re: Scene It - BLBS
09/02/09 10:55 am | #4
I think it should be a disc as apposed 2 DLC... more achievements! I will track down th disc only once it releases as well.
Re: Scene It - BLBS
09/02/09 11:54 am | #6
I will get it eventually, hopefully they will release disc only also
Re: Re: Scene It - BLBS
09/02/09 9:58 pm | #8
Quote by Reenus:
I have owned all of the ones they have released. It is a fun game to play with friends and family. My wife really likes the games because she beats me every time. If it is disc only it should only cost about 40 bucks. Isn't that how much the last one cost without the controllers?
yea it was $40 w/o controllers. I hope they dont get to carried away like guitar hero that they have to keep pushing them out. I hope they will release a DLC like they did for BOS version
Re: Re: Scene It - BLBS
09/02/09 10:00 pm | #10
Quote by Shockwave:
Same here, except the wonderful wife of mine will want to get

My God is Trish hot or what? Love the sig. She's like cambell soup. MM Good!!!!
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