Archived: SAW Achievement List
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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SAW Achievement List
10/04/09 12:54 pm | #1
I have been looking forward to this game for a while now, and I am hoping very much so that it is not dissappointing. For thoseof you that plan on picking this game up, here are the details of the available achievements that will be open for you to unlock. Enjoy
Re: SAW Achievement List
10/04/09 1:00 pm | #2
it looks cool im just kinda shocked its 60 bucks and not 40 tho
Re: SAW Achievement List
10/04/09 1:05 pm | #3
oo yeeaa i knew that already so yea
Re: SAW Achievement List
10/04/09 1:14 pm | #4
The achievements look rather easy, unless the secret achievements are super hard then this should be a very easy game completion.
Wtf is it with killing stuff in the game? I assumed we would just be escaping and this wouldn't be some generic combat game.
Wtf is it with killing stuff in the game? I assumed we would just be escaping and this wouldn't be some generic combat game.
Re: SAW Achievement List
10/04/09 1:16 pm | #5
this game is going to be good

Re: SAW Achievement List
10/04/09 1:34 pm | #6
I love the Starship Troopers reference as a name for one of the achievements.
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