"Hell in a Bucket" -- 160MSP
"Don't Ease Me In" -- 160MSP
"Cold Rain & Snow" -- 160MSP
"Doin' That Rag" -- 160MSP
"Fire on the Mountain" -- 160MSP
"Uncle John's Band" -- 160MSP
Never really liked TGD that much, like always, will see about difficulty before purchasing.
For videos of Guitar, Bass, and Drum charts of most of the DLC, please visit the following Youtuber's Channels:
http://www.youtube.com/user/Npeaen -- Guitar Charts (Expert)
http://www.youtube.com/user/S1ckH4ndsBass -- Bass Charts (Expert)
http://www.youtube.com/user/Jarr3tt88 -- Drum Charts (Expert)