Archived: RE5 boosting
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RE5 boosting
03/14/09 3:27 pm | #1
For anyone that has RE5 and wants to play it through on Veteran hit me up with a request right now, il be on for most of the day today. i also set it up as an event but i wanted to post this here so everyone would notice.

Re: RE5 boosting
03/14/09 4:19 pm | #2
How is playing through a campaign with someone boosting? Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought you could only "boost" multiplayer achievements.
Re: RE5 boosting
03/14/09 4:23 pm | #3
i wasnt sure what its called, its just pretty much running it through co op on vet.
u can call it boosting or w.e, as long as u get the achievments im fine with it
u can call it boosting or w.e, as long as u get the achievments im fine with it
Re: RE5 boosting
03/14/09 4:32 pm | #4
Oh... I didn't mean to sound like a dick or anything. RE5 is great though, isn't it? Graphic-wise, it's the cleanest game I've played to date. Make sure you're playing it in high-def.

Re: RE5 boosting
03/14/09 4:49 pm | #6
The controls aren't bad at all. It's apparent that you've never played another Resident Evil title. Give it an hour or so of playing and you should have them down... if you don't by then, I'm pretty sure this game is not for you.
Re: RE5 boosting
03/14/09 4:57 pm | #8
all the resident games have the same controllers, if anything i think they have come a long way from the really shitty camera angles and movement controls from RE 1.
na its cool, im just in a bad mood cus of some things that are going on.
na its cool, im just in a bad mood cus of some things that are going on.
Re: RE5 boosting
03/14/09 5:00 pm | #9
Quote by Tom Peeper:
i dont see how you dont think the controls are bad...they arent smooth movements...i tried adjusting them in options but nothing was working for me....if maybe resident evil is the only series you have ever played then the controls are fine...but coming from other games to this is painful to play
I agree with you there, compare it to other games and the movements aren't smooth enough. They're choppy and inconsistent.
Compared to other RE titles, the movements (and controls) have been about the same.
I suppose that's why I'm not seeing much of a problem with it.
All in all, I guess it comes down to the infamous saying "to each his/her own."
Re: RE5 boosting
03/15/09 6:02 am | #10
I am terrible at this game. If it wasn't for my buddy I wouldn't have made it to stage 2

Re: RE5 boosting
03/15/09 12:28 pm | #12
I think you'd be alright starting off fresh. Not only does the game give a ton of history leading up to the events that take place in RE5, but it's a completely different strain of virus in the new title.
In my opinion, you wouldn't be behind or lost at all.
In my opinion, you wouldn't be behind or lost at all.
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