Archived: RB6 Vegas 2 Update
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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RB6 Vegas 2 Update
04/23/08 10:44 pm | #1
Just to let everyone know an update for Vegas 2 has come out (About Time). All that I know about the update is that once the download has completed you will recieve your "Private First Class" achievement (for those who didnt get it due to playing Vegas 1). I'm not sure what else the update did but if anyone knows please post some info!
Re: RB6 Vegas 2 Update
04/23/08 11:00 pm | #2
WHEW!!!!! *logs on*
Re: RB6 Vegas 2 Update
04/24/08 12:08 am | #3
So after playing a couple matches it looks like Vegas has taken another peice from COD4. Now you respawn in random locations so that cuts down on spawn camping. I'm sure their is more, simply because the download seemed to take quite a while compared to other games.
Re: RB6 Vegas 2 Update
04/24/08 8:03 am | #5
lot of updates lol
Re: RB6 Vegas 2 Update
04/24/08 10:59 am | #6
That is awesome! I'm glad they fixed the Freedom shall prevail achievement; I've been going through, but had to jump around a few times so I haven't completed the levels in order.
Re: RB6 Vegas 2 Update
04/24/08 11:04 am | #7
We will play tonight! Hektic! 

Re: RB6 Vegas 2 Update
04/24/08 3:08 pm | #8
i still didnt get my freedom shall prevail acheivement
i worked hard for that. and i have every mission beation on every difficulty. i beat it on normal by myself and then again with my cousin. beat it on easy with one of my friends. and then beat it on realistic with my cousin. but point is. i want my acheivement.

Re: RB6 Vegas 2 Update
05/23/08 11:03 pm | #10
yea i still never did get my freedom shall prevail achievement. all that work for nothing how depressing.
Re: RB6 Vegas 2 Update
05/24/08 2:07 pm | #11
Now you respawn in random locations so that cuts down on spawn camping.
Me, Repo, Captain, and oneshot played a while last night and kept spawning in front of open doors with two terrorist staring at
good thing we got quick reflexes, lol.

good times, good times
Re: RB6 Vegas 2 Update
05/24/08 11:53 pm | #13
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
yea quick reflexes......just like when you ran at me and I killed you with my shotty.
....well...thanks for bringing THAT back up and repo almost held my bullets with your skulls a couple times too for darting out in front of me, haha!
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