Archived: Question about Unreal Tourny 50 days
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Question about Unreal Tourny 50 days
08/11/09 9:05 am | #1
Ok well the achievement in unreal tournament to get 200 kills on 50 different days is what im about to go for and I wanted to know from someone that has or just knows how the timer goes is it every midnight i can get kills or if i get them at 8 in the morning do i have to wait a full 24 hours untill 8 the next morning to get them thanks.
Re: Question about Unreal Tourny 50 days
08/11/09 1:51 pm | #3
Midnight. But what you can do (I found out 45 days into it) is you can do a dashboard time change (time zone not actual time) and flip it back and forth a bunch of times until you get it. It still takes a while, but much better than the way I did it - legit

Re: Question about Unreal Tourny 50 days
08/11/09 2:11 pm | #4
but minioger i thought you had to be online to do it?
Re: Question about Unreal Tourny 50 days
08/11/09 2:19 pm | #5
you do. You just switch to a time zone that is a different day. Get 200 Kills. Back to dash, switch back to your regular timezone, get 200 more kills.....repeat and repeat until you get the achievement. Or do it legit like I did and yes Midnight is the time it resets

Re: Question about Unreal Tourny 50 days
08/11/09 2:50 pm | #8
is there a guide for that minoger?
Re: Question about Unreal Tourny 50 days
08/14/09 2:49 pm | #9
im at 42 days now so lets see if this works
Re: Question about Unreal Tourny 50 days
08/14/09 4:02 pm | #10
45 starting to get worried now...
Re: Question about Unreal Tourny 50 days
08/15/09 2:33 am | #11
I got the achievement! Everyone who needs help with this the method does work just switch your time zone back and fourth ever though i had to do it like 60 times thanks for the help!
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