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Archived: "Professional" Microsoft Customer Service.

Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: "Professional" Microsoft Customer Service.

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Bad support from Microsft is redundent.

I dislike having to ask for someone who speaks English as a primary language. Microsoft does not care about any of us. If they did we would have good phone support and we would not be getting the RROD still!
Re: "Professional" Microsoft Customer Service.
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Quote by meg a destr0yer:

do you know how many combinations are possible?????????? :|

Quote by Hektic Juggalo:

Yeah, lol, but I know that if I just paid $50 for something, I damn sure wouldn't want to do an fn math equation to get the goddamn thing working! Good luck getting it resolved, you can either try to call back or simply argue the point at Best Buy, though seeing you work there I don't know how that would work/how much you could really argue.

alot lol
yea i wouldnt wanna have to do a math equation but, if its the only possible thing left to try, id try it.
Re: "Professional" Microsoft Customer Service.
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Quote by Capt Adams67:

Bad support from Microsft is redundent.

I dislike having to ask for someone who speaks English as a primary language. Microsoft does not care about any of us. If they did we would have good phone support and we would not be getting the RROD still!

Funny story about that. I called one time to get some help linking up my Windows Live ID to my Gamertag and the person I got spoken broken english...and quite poorly at that. I requested to be put back on hold for someone with a far better understanding of the English language and she hung up on me.

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