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Archived: Playfire.com - Be careful [Updated]
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Playfire.com - Be careful [Updated]
01/28/09 10:09 am | #1
If you receive an invitation to join Playfire.com, use caution. Playfire, a social networking site for gamers, has been collecting users' Microsoft Windows LIVE ID credentials and sending invitations to join their site through the Xbox Live messaging system without Microsoft's consent. You should never give anyone or any site your LIVE ID credentials except for official Microsoft websites.
Here is a sample invitation:
Unattributed Quote:
You were invited to join Playfire, the social network for gamers, by your friend XXXXXX. We have already built your profile, based on your Xbox Live data! Check it out here: http://www.playfire.com/xbox/XXXXXX
Microsoft's legal team is going through the legal process of shutting them down, or at least stopping the collection of LIVE Id's, but it may take awhile.
Update: It's unclear whether there is malicious intent behind the collection the of LIVE ID credentials, but to protect yourself, you should never give that information away to any site except for official Microsoft Live websites. In addition, this collection of Live credentials blatantly violates Microsoft's policies, which may or may not say something about Playfire.com.
Update 2: It looks like Microsoft's legal team has triumphed. According to Large Jaguar, Xbox.com Development Manager, "PlayFire is no longer collecting WLID credentials for people's Xbox LIVE accounts."
Re: Avoid Playfire.com
01/28/09 10:19 am | #2
I got one or two of those already, and was like WTF!!!
Re: Avoid Playfire.com
01/28/09 10:26 am | #3
lol I actually got one of these the other day i still have it in my message bin and strangely enough I got it from Shockwave22 I didnt go there cuz I have received them in the past and knew better. Now I doubt he actually sent me that message so to shock you might wanna put a password on your gamertag or change it if you do already.
Here is a better sample invitation since it was a real one lol.
Re: Avoid Playfire.com
01/28/09 10:56 am | #5
If your account has already been compromised, I would attempt to change your password. I'm not sure how credible the reports are, but there has been reports of using the credit cards attached to accounts for malicious purposes.
Re: Avoid Playfire.com
01/28/09 11:01 am | #7
I would change both my windows live ID password and the 4 button combo to access your tag to play on ur xbox. Just as a safe measure, hopefully nothing bad like credit card fraud has happened.
Re: Avoid Playfire.com
01/28/09 11:17 am | #9
don't play with fire kids.
Re: Avoid Playfire.com
01/28/09 11:23 am | #11
since its a malicious site I highly doubt you can delete your account that would kinda defeat the whole point of their purpose 
basically just change those 2 passwords and never log back into that site ever again is the best thing and if you dont have a passcode on your xbox i suggest making one.
Re: Avoid Playfire.com
01/28/09 11:29 am | #13
ive had one ever since the original xbox and im kinda glad since i had my gamertag on a friends original xbox that was pawned off without him deleting the data from it that way no one can ever use your GT if it gets stolen or something like that.
Re: Avoid Playfire.com
01/28/09 11:41 am | #15
I'm not gonna worry about it as I already take precautions on these things. I love home Banking and direct deposit, what a god send.
I have 4 accounts at two different banks. One of them is only for online transactions like xbox live points, E-Bay, and I-Tunes and the like. There's never more than a few hundred dollars in there and if I need more it just a few key strokes away. This way I never have to worry about this sorta crap.
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