Archived: Operation Flashpoint on Hardcore
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Operation Flashpoint on Hardcore
11/14/09 6:09 pm | #1
I was just wondering if anyone has beaten OFP on hardcore and still has the last save. If so would you be willing to help out. Thanks GT bluntedGRINCH
Re: Operation Flashpoint on Hardcore
11/14/09 6:44 pm | #2
Dude I would love to help out if I had the game. I keep hearing mixed reviews about it and thats why I haven't picked it up yet....How have you been liking it?
Re: Operation Flashpoint on Hardcore
11/14/09 6:45 pm | #3
I have this and would love to go through the campaign on hardcore.
Re: Operation Flashpoint on Hardcore
11/14/09 7:23 pm | #4
I actually really like this game, its not a MW2 but they are two different games. Its a squad based game so if you don't like them then I wouldn't suggest getting it.
Re: Operation Flashpoint on Hardcore
05/24/10 8:52 am | #5
Hey, I just picked this game up, Does anyone still have this game? I really wanna play on hardcore with some people!
Send me a message on Xbox Live if you want to! Thanks!

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