Archived: Need Gears 2 Partner
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Need Gears 2 Partner
03/30/09 2:29 am | #1
I've been getting through a stack of games before diving into Gears 2. I'm looking for a co-op partner to run through the game a couple of times to get as many achievements as possible. If you can play frequently and you are just getting started, hit me up with a message and we'll work out the details.
Re: Need Gears 2 Partner
03/31/09 4:47 pm | #2 this thing on? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller?
Re: Need Gears 2 Partner
03/31/09 6:07 pm | #3
good ol' Ferris Bueller.
I would help out Ralph, I just don't have Gears 2 yet. I think most people who have it have already played a lot. If you are still waiting in a few months when I hopefully have Gears 2 I would be glad to help out
I would help out Ralph, I just don't have Gears 2 yet. I think most people who have it have already played a lot. If you are still waiting in a few months when I hopefully have Gears 2 I would be glad to help out

Re: Need Gears 2 Partner
03/31/09 7:33 pm | #4
I still need a second runthrough on insane and to pick up all of the collectibles. The problem is the hours that I can play. I work midnights, so I play in the morning during the week. I'm booked for the next two weekends, so if for some reason you can't find anyone else before then or whatever, I will help out!
Let me know.
Let me know.
Re: Need Gears 2 Partner
03/31/09 7:48 pm | #5
i need to pick up the game again to finish it...when i get it i will help you out ralph
Re: Need Gears 2 Partner
04/03/09 12:06 pm | #6
Thanks guys. I'm working on the live achievements and doing a casual run through for the collection items. I'd like to run through twice with the same person so we can swap casual/insane and both pick up all the campaign points. I've got three other games here so I'll probably hold on to gears for several weeks.
Re: Need Gears 2 Partner
04/03/09 2:53 pm | #7
I am up for it, lets go. I have only completed 2 or 3 chapters on hardcore... but found all the collectibles in them! I am online every minute I am not in class, which is a lot of free time!
Re: Need Gears 2 Partner
04/03/09 4:27 pm | #8
i would help out and be on your team, but im not that good.
im decent, could use some practice, if ya want to play send me a friend request
im decent, could use some practice, if ya want to play send me a friend request
Re: Need Gears 2 Partner
04/12/09 11:46 pm | #9
I'm downskiis. I'm aigh tat the game but im down to play. send a FR
Re: Need Gears 2 Partner
04/12/09 11:52 pm | #11
havent played that game forever
Re: Need Gears 2 Partner
04/27/09 12:24 pm | #12
I need to get the Insane achievements and the CO-OP achievements still, PM me, i can do it this Sunday
Re: Need Gears 2 Partner
04/30/09 1:34 am | #13
I should have closed this out. Sorry, I got all I could stand from G2 and it's back at Gamefly. I have to say the online matchmaking was some of the worst I have ever seen. Nothing like throwing level 40s in with noobs. Cliffy should be ashamed.
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