Archived: Need For Speed Shift: Exclusive Car
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Need For Speed Shift
09/15/09 10:23 pm | #4
I was in p chat with a friend while he was playing, he said it was pretty bad ass
Re: Need For Speed Shift: Exclusive Car
09/16/09 12:33 am | #9
How does this rank of along with the underground NFS? I'll be honest, I like the underground racing better then I have liked Gran Turismo or the Pro Street games....I'm not much for the simulation racing as I am the type of racing they use in the underground versions.
did any of that make sense to you guys?
did any of that make sense to you guys?
Re: Need For Speed Shift: Exclusive Car
09/16/09 12:37 am | #10
i'll be getting this game (NFS:Shift) next month with Forza 3 on my birthday lol
Re: Need For Speed Shift: Exclusive Car
09/16/09 9:33 am | #12
hmm... im not much of a fan of arcade racers, but this game seems different. If its any thing like burnout where you can go 200 around any corner smashing everything in sight, then i wont like it. DiRT 2 is the perfect mix between arcade and sim racer. Hopefuly its like that and not a forza.
Is there a demo out for this game? I might look more into this game but i will have to decide between this and forza 3
Is there a demo out for this game? I might look more into this game but i will have to decide between this and forza 3
Re: Need For Speed Shift: Exclusive Car
09/16/09 11:46 am | #13
I like how in the beginning of the video the flag girl is standing in the middle of the orange car, lol.
Re: Need For Speed Shift: Exclusive Car
09/16/09 11:50 am | #14
I got it on my list on gamefly