Archived: NHL 09 club
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Re: NHL 09 club
09/11/08 9:11 pm | #4
I'm probably gonna buy it, but not until it goes down in price.
Re: NHL 09 club
09/23/08 2:17 pm | #5
I would so love to have NHL 09, but there's just way too much stuff in the next 2 months for me to do it right now. Looks awesome though and I'll be mad jealous while I wait for October to abuse my wallet.
Re: NHL 09 club
09/23/08 3:05 pm | #6
Im starting a group called WAA!
Wallet Abusers Anonymous. Meetings will be at starbucks
Hi. Im Minioger and I abuse my wallet.....severely....
Wallet Abusers Anonymous. Meetings will be at starbucks

Hi. Im Minioger and I abuse my wallet.....severely....
Re: NHL 09 club
09/24/08 3:59 am | #7
I own it but it's still in my shrinkwrap pile along with 12 other games...82 in my open pile also.......hmm the conclusion I come too is I buy to many games, so many more to come into the collection in next few weeks and months.
Re: NHL 09 club
10/02/08 8:39 pm | #8
i have it and have a club made up. Its a mature group of gamers that are in this club. If you want to join my team just send me a message.
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