Muddys NXE Review
Introduction:Well after being accepted into the NXE Preview program, I have had some time to play around with the new dashboard. This whole review is from things that were not fully done yet and things that were on it 1 week ago. Ill review all that is there in no paticular order.
Avatars:Avatars are great. You can fully customize them to looks like you or almost like you. The clothing styles though are very limited at this point. At this point though, they will be releasing new clothes every two weeks for 6 months! That is alot of clothes.

Games installed to HDD:To me this feature is completely useless. I say this because why would you want to take up 6+ gigs on your HDD just to make it not make noise? I wouldnt. I have used this with a few games already though just to test it. It varies from game to game what happens. Some games go faster, some slower, some dont change. I reccomend you skip this feature.
Marketplace:The marketplace is 100x better now. They have it organised so you can search by letter of the game, if they are Xbox Originals, Comunity Games, etc. Also now you can browse it on the web, so that makes it alot better if you are at work or school and just need to download something new. The video marketpalce though has no point now with Netflix being introduced.
Netflix: Netflix is just GREAT! I use this feature everyday. Netflix expands the video marketplace for only 8.99 a month. With this you can stream over 10,000 movies right to your xbox 360. Also, if they dont have a movie you want on instant queue, you can get the movie within 1-2 days on Netflix by ordering it. Netflix to me is the main thing for the Xbox 360 now.
Events:The events blade makes life easier now, so you dont have to go to to find out when the next alnighter is, or when game with fame is coming up. It is all in the dashboard organsied neatly.
The Guide:The guide is just great! It is the old dashboard with one thing missing... Advertisements!
Now if you dont like the new dashboard, you can boot from disk and just press the guide, it will be the same old dashboard you used to love and more.
Well thats all i can remember! But this dashboard is so good now
