Archived: Mr. SpacelySprockets
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Mr. SpacelySprockets
04/20/09 6:42 pm | #1
New, I would write more about myself but.....naaaah.
Re: Mr. SpacelySprockets
04/20/09 6:45 pm | #2
Welcome to XBA!
Re: Mr. SpacelySprockets
04/20/09 7:04 pm | #6
damn the beaner beat me to it
oh well, welcome to XBA!
oh well, welcome to XBA!
Re: Mr. SpacelySprockets
04/20/09 7:09 pm | #7
thx for the welcomes peeps
Re: Mr. SpacelySprockets
04/20/09 7:47 pm | #9
NO HE WON'T!!! Haha, welcome spacey rockets

Re: Mr. SpacelySprockets
04/20/09 8:00 pm | #10
Cool GT
Re: Mr. SpacelySprockets
04/20/09 8:15 pm | #11
Welcome to XBA!

Re: Mr. SpacelySprockets
04/20/09 9:54 pm | #12
Welcome Mr. Confusing-Name!
Re: Mr. SpacelySprockets
04/20/09 9:56 pm | #13
Yo wats up im new also
Re: Mr. SpacelySprockets
04/21/09 7:33 am | #14
Hello and welcome to XBA!!! I hope you enjoy it here.
One question: WTF are they watching that they are reacting that way. (I'm referring to your sig.)
One question: WTF are they watching that they are reacting that way. (I'm referring to your sig.)