Archived: Marketplace Help
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Marketplace Help
11/14/09 2:05 am | #1
At some point over the past two years I purchased something from the Live Marketplace and I can't remember what it was but I've had point balance ending in 5 for a while now as a result. If anyone knows of anything with a price ending in 5 or comes across anything when browsing the marketplace please let me know. I know it might sound obsessive but if I have the points I wanna use them!
Re: Marketplace Help
11/14/09 10:13 am | #3
I don't think there is anything for 5 points, and I can't even remember anything ending with a 5 at the marketplace.
Re: Marketplace Help
11/14/09 12:46 pm | #4
Zune songs never end in 0, so if you want a song download...
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