Archived: Madden 2010
Posted Under: Gaming
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Madden 2010
09/11/09 9:39 am | #1
Wow Madden has been updated to 1150, with new DLC coming September 24th for 560 points. All 5 Achievements are AFL Legacy related since its their 50th Anniversary. This is pretty much unheard of for a sports game to have DLC (or than FIFA). But still I guess its a cool way to celebrate the 50th anniversary..Go Chargers!
Re: Madden 2010
09/11/09 11:42 am | #3
Is this Madden as easy to get the achievements as the other Maddens are?
Re: Madden 2010
09/11/09 11:46 am | #4
with 2 controllers or a online helper yes
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