Archived: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/14/09 6:06 pm | #1
Which of the L4D campaigns did you find the hardest to do on expert? I only needed one more and that's Blood Harvest. I couldn't do it no matter what I did, however maybe you guys had more luck. Discuss L4D here.
Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/14/09 6:27 pm | #2
Im working on the last achievements right now, havent even tried the expert ones yet, ive got 9 left, how ru supposed to sneak past the witches if there right in your path?
Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/14/09 6:34 pm | #3
You can't sneak past them if they are in the only path. Well you can try, but its hard, if you get too close or have your lights on, also don't look at them you have a chance to get past them. They spawn randomly so you just have to play another campaign. Usually I have found it is extremely rare that they spawn in the only path. There is usually some back way around them, you just have to look.
Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/14/09 6:36 pm | #4
You gotta Cr0wn that mofo =D
Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/14/09 8:29 pm | #5
I'm only at 210 of 1000 on it so far. I've been trying to line up a head shot on the witches and each time I only succeed in startling them bitches, even when I know I have their craniums in my crosshairs.
Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/14/09 8:44 pm | #6
I know the full extent of your frustration, Irish. This one kept me angry for days, and I've only succeeded in doing it once. Just keep at it and you'll have it no time =D
Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/14/09 8:51 pm | #7
so far im at 835/1000, working on Untouchables and getting expert last
Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/14/09 9:10 pm | #8
I've had a 1000 on it for awhile now, but if I remember correctly, the hardest campaign was No Mercy, at least for my group. We didn't have any trouble on the other three. I would have been able to give you tips but since they patched it, I can't really give you any.
Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/14/09 9:11 pm | #9
@ Krueger, I know, there used to be tons of exploits but now you have to earn it all.
Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/14/09 9:14 pm | #10
I know, it sucks for the new people, I don't know why they took them out, they were fun, and made expert fair (to a degree).
Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/14/09 9:19 pm | #11
I'm still working on expert and untouchable I need to find people and the time to play the damn game
Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/14/09 11:07 pm | #12
Great game. Blood Harvest is the only one I have yet to finish. Helped a friend get his first expert campaign(No Mercy) last week and asked myself why I don't play this one anymore. The "Jesus Room" still works even with the patch. As for cr0wned, I got mine with the auto shotgun after a few tries. Untouchables was a complete accident for me while using the safe room glitch to help a friend get Nothing Special and some of the other tougher achievements. I was going idle for the finale so I would not screw up his Safety First but would take control for the Tank. I was caught off guard when it popped as I had been trying for what seemed like an eternity to get that one. Girlfriend complained I was ahead of her on the game so I did it for her account in single player (Dead Air btw) on the fourth attempt. Don't know if it makes a difference but I played as Zoey on her account (Francis on mine) thinking the guys would protect her better and also so she wouldn't use the hunting rifle. Think that covers it for now....
Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/15/09 8:31 pm | #13
YES! Just got untouchables on Death Toll Boat finale! We did it wil 2 humans and 2 AIs and i took about 10 tries
Re: Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/15/09 8:40 pm | #14
Quote by SeanTM22:
YES! Just got untouchables on Death Toll Boat finale! We did it wil 2 humans and 2 AIs and i took about 10 tries
Congrats Sean !!!

Re: Left 4 Dead Expert Campaigns.
06/19/09 7:56 pm | #15
Thanks for the recommendation to come here pitbull !!!
And easily blood harvest because it didnt have an exploit ;p
And easily blood harvest because it didnt have an exploit ;p