Archived: Kane & Lynch
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Re: Kane & Lynch
09/03/08 11:24 pm | #3
You know i'm always down just hit me up
Re: Kane & Lynch
09/03/08 11:34 pm | #4
I tried to play this game but it would freeze up and my 360 would go nuts for about 10 min. after a restart. Also my mic wouldn't work for awhile. Not taking any chances.
Re: Kane & Lynch
09/04/08 8:08 am | #6
I always wanted to play this game; next time I'm at Gamestop I will see if it is on the cheap and pick it up.
Re: Kane & Lynch
10/06/08 5:35 pm | #7
Quote by Hektic Juggalo:
I always wanted to play this game; next time I'm at Gamestop I will see if it is on the cheap and pick it up.
I'd have to say it's a pretty amazing game. A lot of people didn't like it, but it's one of my favorite games of all time. (Oh and when you get it, don't let them burn at the end. The ending is much better that way. You'll understand what I mean)
Re: Kane & Lynch
10/06/08 6:03 pm | #8
I just picked this up on ebay last wee. should have it any day now. Sorry it helps you not now.
Re: Kane & Lynch
10/06/08 9:37 pm | #9
I actually picked it up for the PC; it was only 20 bucks. What I'm pissed off about, though, is that the back of the case says "Cross Platform", but apparently its not.

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