Archived: I do not like Gears of War 2 anymore
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: I do not like Gears of War 2 anymore
10/04/09 11:58 pm | #2
actually i do believe ive heard of this happening before
if i remember correctly, if epic has any reason to believe that you cheat or like boost exp or whatever then theyll reset ya...unfortunately, a lot of innocent people have been struck by the Leveling Shovel (its like the Ban Hammer but for leveling/exp lol)
idk what you could do tho. maybe try to call epic or email them? idk...
if i remember correctly, if epic has any reason to believe that you cheat or like boost exp or whatever then theyll reset ya...unfortunately, a lot of innocent people have been struck by the Leveling Shovel (its like the Ban Hammer but for leveling/exp lol)
idk what you could do tho. maybe try to call epic or email them? idk...
Re: I do not like Gears of War 2 anymore
10/05/09 12:00 am | #3
That's fucked up dude. Sorry that happened to ya.
Re: I do not like Gears of War 2 anymore
10/05/09 12:27 am | #6
Wow, I'm only like a level 18 or something and if that happened to me I'd be livid... I would just sell it... I'm sorry to read this man... 

Re: Re: I do not like Gears of War 2 anymore
10/05/09 6:34 am | #9
Quote by Epic Lou:
I understand if they had reason to suspect I was glitching, but I didn't. I was only a lvl. 46. I don't have the achievements for reaching lvl. 50 or lvl. 100. Epic can go fuck themselves.
That sucks! I guess you'll have to change your name now! lol
Re: I do not like Gears of War 2 anymore
10/05/09 7:07 am | #10
Xenokai is a no talent pussy....sorry off topic I know, but he thinks he's good at Gears and he isn't. Plus he runs his mouth so much you'd think Microsoft invented the mute button just for him, what an asshole.
Re: I do not like Gears of War 2 anymore
10/05/09 10:46 am | #12
i had something like this happen to me. i was level 29 and played horde until i was supposed to reach level 30. well guess what.......i "leveled up" to 28! i got so pissed at this game. i now refuse to play this game until after the new year. i went as far as taking it off my shelf and putting it in storage.
Re: I do not like Gears of War 2 anymore
10/05/09 12:20 pm | #14
that game sucks now i play it still cause i dont have all the achievements but i like it sometimes its fun but lately i noticed its so dumb how is some gonna get like 3 billion points when you got assholes sticking you with frags or chainsawing you just pathetic im a 43 and have been for like i dunno 2 months im decent online its just i never had the ambition to become such an ass to be a 100
Re: Re: Re: I do not like Gears of War 2 anymore
10/05/09 12:36 pm | #15
Quote by animefr33k:
Quote by orange20:
i had something like this happen to me. i was level 29 and played horde until i was supposed to reach level 30. well guess what.......i "leveled up" to 28! i got so pissed at this game. i now refuse to play this game until after the new year. i went as far as taking it off my shelf and putting it in storage.
no i didnt quit out. it said u leveled up to lever 28! and it is a lot for me bc i never play ranked online. i only ever play horde and u get practically no exp for horde.