Archived: Hey, Fellow Gamers
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Hey, Fellow Gamers
10/04/08 9:12 pm | #1
Hey, I'm Will but everyone calls me Red. I found this out on some message boards, I'm new. Not sure what else to say.
Re: Hey, Fellow Gamers
10/04/08 9:16 pm | #2
simmons :o!!!!!
lopez > you!!!! rofl...but lopez>all...ecept..pvt o'malley!....caboose sounds better :\
welcome to xba
lopez > you!!!! rofl...but lopez>all...ecept..pvt o'malley!....caboose sounds better :\
welcome to xba

Re: Hey, Fellow Gamers
10/04/08 9:25 pm | #3
Welcome my fellow Floridian! Make your self at home

Re: Hey, Fellow Gamers
10/04/08 11:06 pm | #5
Bienvenidos al Sitio!
Re: Hey, Fellow Gamers
10/04/08 11:44 pm | #6
welcome. thats all i want to say.
Re: Hey, Fellow Gamers
10/04/08 11:45 pm | #7
Welcome to XBA!!
Does your Gamertag stand for-Richard votherBuckin' Simmons Ruckin' votherBucker?
LOL I crack myself up!
Does your Gamertag stand for-Richard votherBuckin' Simmons Ruckin' votherBucker?
LOL I crack myself up!
Re: Hey, Fellow Gamers
10/04/08 11:51 pm | #9
That's what it would stand for if it was my tag!
Re: Hey, Fellow Gamers
10/04/08 11:55 pm | #11
OH! RvB stands for Red vs. Blue!
I don't get it.
I don't get it.
Re: Hey, Fellow Gamers
10/05/08 12:41 am | #12
Welcome to Xba man!!! If you want we'll get a translator for you so you can understand what the hell Taco is saying. He's had to much Dip!!! LoL!!!
Re: Hey, Fellow Gamers
10/05/08 1:33 am | #13
Quote by theevol1:
OH! RvB stands for Red vs. Blue!
I don't get it.
I don't get it.
RvB is Red vs Blue, its a halo 2 machinima..its hilarious. youtube it.
no tk no dip here...this person knows RvB so they know what im talking about w/ caboose and lopez..
Re: Hey, Fellow Gamers
10/05/08 2:03 am | #15
Quote by TK Chillin:
Welcome to Xba man!!! If you want we'll get a translator for you so you can understand what the hell Taco is saying. He's had to much Dip!!! LoL!!!
Sadly I don't think its the dip. He's just fucked in the head.