Archived: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
Posted Under: Gaming
Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 5:25 pm | #1
Yeah so I've been thinking about getting one of these games over the past week or so, and can't quite make a decision. So I was wondering what you guys think. I know that Red Faction has an average higher rating, but I've heard people say that Prototype is better, so I want you opinion. I'm going to the mall later today to pick up whichever is better.
Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 5:32 pm | #2
Quote by da1337nesMonstr:
Yeah so I've been thinking about getting one of these games over the past week or so, and can't quite make a decision. So I was wondering what you guys think. I know that Red Faction has an average higher rating, but I've heard people say that Prototype is better, so I want you opinion. I'm going to the mall later today to pick up whichever is better.
Well are you looking for something that will last you a really long time?
Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 5:39 pm | #3
Well like a good month and a half or so... cause I'm getting a PS3 in July, and I'll have games to play then.
Re: Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 5:51 pm | #4
Quote by da1337nesMonstr:
Well like a good month and a half or so... cause I'm getting a PS3 in July, and I'll have games to play then.
Then i truly dont know. What games are you getting for ps3?
Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 6:02 pm | #5
The ones that arent on the 360 that are good lol
Re: Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 6:14 pm | #6
Quote by Gregory Thomas:
The ones that arent on the 360 that are good lol
there is a lot of those.....
Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 6:32 pm | #7
i didnt like the demo for red faction but i baught prototype and i like it alot. its alot like crackdown meets terminator in a way its very fun and alot of different things you can do in the game!
Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 6:34 pm | #8
im with ya 1337ness. when i get a job and a few moths pay ima do the same, but still keep my 360 as my main
Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 6:47 pm | #9
I have both and I like them both very much but I'd have to vote for RFG over Prototype. Prototype is a great sandbox-y game where you can have fun just setting things up and causing chaos, but there are a lot of design flaws in the game that keep the story mode from excellence. Nothing is destructible (beyond people and vehicles and mission specific buildings) and the draw distance varies greatly. At times you cannot see things right across the street, at other times you can see for miles (it seems). It lacks the polish that RFG has.
RFG has a great single player portion, AND a very fun multi player portion as well. If you like unlocking tons of things online (a la CoD 4/5) then you'll really sink your teeth into RFG online. Prototype you can rent and see and do everything in one or two weeks (or blow through the main story in a weekend).
RFG has a great single player portion, AND a very fun multi player portion as well. If you like unlocking tons of things online (a la CoD 4/5) then you'll really sink your teeth into RFG online. Prototype you can rent and see and do everything in one or two weeks (or blow through the main story in a weekend).
Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 8:23 pm | #10
Yeah i remember when i first got my Ps3. I was ZOMG! this is so cool! Now its a dust magnet.
Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 8:47 pm | #12
I plan on getting both =D
Re: Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 8:48 pm | #13
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Haven't played Red Fraction yet, but I can tell you that I think Prototype is a horrible game! Biggest disappointment of the year so far, for me.
This is what a lot people are saying
Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 9:37 pm | #14
Well I went and got Prototype. Its pretty good so far.
Re: Help: Red Faction or Prototype
06/13/09 10:08 pm | #15
I own both and love both.