What's the best flag capture you've had in Halo 3?

Today I was playing in a party with some friends in Squad Battle. We were playing on Multi Flag BRs on Sandtrap. We had both teams on their Elephants, both going in the same direction. Seeing as it would be a never-ending Elephant chase, my friend, who was driving the Elephant, turned the Elephant around. The two Elephants were very close, about ten seconds away from colliding. About a split second before they collided, I jumped out of the front entrance of the elephant, quickly making my way into the enemies elephant. From a few turret shots I was in the red zone on shields. I quickly ran through the elephant, dodging many bullets and two enemies. I jumped up to the flag (Which, by the way, an enemy was about two feet away from and trying to kill me), jumped off the enemy elephant and made my way into my elephant, capturing the flag. It was the most epic thing I've done in Halo.

What's the best thing you've done on capture the flag? By the way if anyone cares to watch, a video of my epicness is on my fileshare.