Anyways; i hope everyone likes it as much as me.
Archived: Halo 3 Rocks!
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 12:21 pm | #1
I am not going to be telling any spoilers so don't even try to ask, but i just want everyone to know that the game really is all it's hyped up to be. I'm not too far from the end right now and i got it on Saturday.
Anyways; i hope everyone likes it as much as me.
Anyways; i hope everyone likes it as much as me.
Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 12:23 pm | #2
we get to enjoy it at midnight tonight! fun.
Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 12:29 pm | #3
I know awesome!
Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 12:38 pm | #4
im gonna try to grab it tonight.. thanks for the post
Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 1:06 pm | #5
everyone gets a chance after midnight tonight.
Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 1:45 pm | #6
Can't wait. Legendary tonight!!
Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 3:02 pm | #7
i have to drive 2 hours to the nearest Gamestop to get it so im leaving here around 5 so i can go to a bar get some jagerbombs in me and go get me my copy...only bad thing is i wont be home till 2 am and after driving 2 hours i dont know if ill be down for finishing the fight
...ohh well once i own it ill get around to finishing it

Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 3:25 pm | #8
lol excellent outlook!
Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 3:35 pm | #10
haha dude go look up Fort Stockton on a map of Texas and you will see that its 2 hours to the nearest mall, movie theatre, Walmart sure you get the point that this place is BFE but its all worth the drive for halo 3
Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 3:49 pm | #11
lol true that man! Good luck with the drinking and driving lol
Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 3:56 pm | #12
its not drinking and driving unless you have it with you while driving or your going to be drinking at like 6 pm and getting my game at 12am...6 hours is more than enough time to sober up and talking to all the kids around the gamestop waiting for there copys with there parents yeah ill need to drink to handle that crowd...but thanks for the support for sure man i apreciate it

Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 4:06 pm | #13
well guys i just got back from taking the dogs outside and made sure i had my wallet...hahaha...well im headed out early just incase theres some kind of alien attack or some kind of akward event that would take place in the middle of the desert lol well anyways next time i post i should have the capabilities of finishing the fight...until next time WHITEY out
Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 5:21 pm | #14
Good luck friend.
Re: Halo 3 Rocks!
09/24/07 5:36 pm | #15