Archived: Hackers targeting Xbox Live players
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Hackers targeting Xbox Live players
10/18/09 6:45 pm | #1
Interesting read about XBL hackers and high gamerscores
Re: Hackers targeting Xbox Live players
10/18/09 6:50 pm | #3
Good article, although you can always call MS and tell them who you are and shit and they'll always give it back to you.
Re: Hackers targeting Xbox Live players
10/19/09 6:53 pm | #6
Funny, I got hacked before and they suspended it. I got it back just fine, just have to wait for the bank to give me gold.
Re: Hackers targeting Xbox Live players
10/22/09 3:47 am | #7
wow thats so lame. i love achievements as much as the next guy, but some people are just takin it to a whole other level. i mean cmon, really? hacking someones tag because they have a high gamerscore? stuuuuupid.

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