Archived: HAWX
Posted Under: 360 Hints, Tips, and Cheats
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03/06/09 12:45 pm | #1
ive recently been playing hawx and ill start by sayin the game is fun the coop is a major plus 2 it BUT!!!!!!!!!!the achievments are iffy at best wether they pop up been through story twice and still aint got all achievments
03/07/09 12:53 pm | #2
I seen some of my peeps playing it. I'm going to the video store and see if they got it.
03/07/09 3:32 pm | #4
its good game
04/05/09 2:59 pm | #5
I like the H.A.W.X game alot.... if you need some help or if you can help me get more achievements hit me up.
04/05/09 3:26 pm | #6
hated this game.
04/05/09 4:40 pm | #7
I played the demo, and I didnt like it. I wont be buying or renting this game.
04/05/09 7:19 pm | #8
Same thing happened to me... I stopped getting achievements after OFF Certification, thats 300 GS I missed
05/17/09 8:17 pm | #9
ugh i only have 2 achievements left in this, Level 40 (im 34 now)and sitting ducks. I SHOULD have sitting ducks, i have the in game award for it, but the damn thing didn't unlock. Otherwise i found this game to be good, save the glitchy achievements and not enough challenges to keep it interesting at high levels.
05/19/09 1:18 pm | #11
I have heard alot of people disliking this game and alot liking this game.... I am really interested in it because I love flight sims but I being broke doesn't help me... I am going to rent it but I know in the long run I will buy it anyway. Oh well. How's the story??
Re: Re: HAWX
05/20/09 8:31 pm | #12
Quote by Blackmagic16:
ugh i only have 2 achievements left in this, Level 40 (im 34 now)and sitting ducks. I SHOULD have sitting ducks, i have the in game award for it, but the damn thing didn't unlock. Otherwise i found this game to be good, save the glitchy achievements and not enough challenges to keep it interesting at high levels.
OK, I got my 1000.
The way i fixed sitting ducks is i reset my 360 cash and then had to do it again,for anyone with the same issue.
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