A blogger over at destructoid.com posted a scanned image from the latest issue of Game Informer. To see what the bastard child of Activision and a former MTV Games employee looks like, feast your eyes:

From Destructoid:
These latest scans from the June issues shows us how Red Octane plans to overtake the competition with the help of a former MTV games employee. The designer of these drums come from a man by the name of John Devecha, who had a part in creating the drums for MTV's Drumscape game.
The design of the drums themselves are pleasing to the eyes. The drums use three pads, two cymbals and foot petal. That means that there will be six parts that will be used in the drum part of this game. I personally think there is a lot of problems that could arise from this design.
There is a likely chance that cymbals could break. Also, without something to stabilize the foot pedal, there could be many problems with people pedal's slipping on them in key moments in the song. This leads me to my final question: Why is Activision not letting me use the Rock Band Drums in Guitar Hero 4
I agree wholeheartedly; why is Activision not letting gamers use the Rock Band drums. Oh yeah, the same reason why they are not letting us use Rock Band guitars in current GH games.