Archived: Guitar Hero
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Guitar Hero
09/17/08 9:18 pm | #1
Someone please answer me this, is Guitar Hero World Tour number 4 in the main series? Xbox America's favorite Mexican dish keeps saying its like Aerosmith, and not number 4, and he tends to get annoying when arguing due to his stubbornness.
Re: Guitar Hero
09/17/08 9:19 pm | #2
if you want me to, ill find the stupid gameinformer mag i read it from. idk if i still have it, but if i do, im about 99% sure that it said
"guitar hero 4 has now been renamed to guitar hero world tour, and guitar hero 4 might be made in the future, we dont know as of yet"
not exactly what i was looking for, but this does prove gh4 was renamed...but thats all ive got so far...still lookin tho..
"guitar hero 4 has now been renamed to guitar hero world tour, and guitar hero 4 might be made in the future, we dont know as of yet"
not exactly what i was looking for, but this does prove gh4 was renamed...but thats all ive got so far...still lookin tho..
Re: Guitar Hero
09/17/08 9:41 pm | #3
Yes it is the next full game. The next spin-off game (like GH:A and GH:80s) will be Guitar Hero Metallica.
Re: Guitar Hero
09/17/08 9:53 pm | #4
Will dominate, it better, or i will kill someone
And yea its the next one so technically GH:4 but not with the number.
Will dominate, it better, or i will kill someone
And yea its the next one so technically GH:4 but not with the number.
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