Archived: Got a question, sure most of you can answer
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Got a question, sure most of you can answer
12/02/09 10:29 pm | #1
im relatively new, i just was wondering why it still doesnt show that im a member of 360voice? i signed up two days ago and it still doesnt show in my rewards. did i do somthing wrong?
Re: Got a question, sure most of you can answer
12/02/09 10:30 pm | #2
You have to join the Xbox America group, not just the site. Have you done that?
Re: Got a question, sure most of you can answer
12/02/09 10:31 pm | #3
Quote by consdills33913:
im relatively new, i just was wondering why it still doesnt show that im a member of 360voice? i signed up two days ago and it still doesnt show in my rewards. did i do somthing wrong?
You have to sign up to be in the Group at the link on the home page.
I did the same thing.
Re: Got a question, sure most of you can answer
12/02/09 10:31 pm | #4
Sometimes it just takes awhile.If you are ever missing another award I recommend PMing a mod.
Re: Re: Got a question, sure most of you can answer
12/02/09 10:31 pm | #5
Quote by megan:
You have to join the Xbox America group, not just the site. Have you done that?
hmm, i dont know lol. how do i join it
Re: Re: Got a question, sure most of you can answer
12/02/09 10:34 pm | #7
Quote by Durtie:
When I signed up, I just registered with 360voice, it was later that I found out that you actually had to join the xba group, lol. I went a while without my award because of it, lol
I was a member 2 weeks before I finally asked why I didn't have it. lol.
Re: Got a question, sure most of you can answer
12/02/09 10:35 pm | #8
ha good thing i asked then. i found it, tricky little thing isn't it!
Re: Got a question, sure most of you can answer
12/02/09 10:41 pm | #10
Re: Re: Got a question, sure most of you can answer
12/02/09 10:47 pm | #11
Quote by Durtie:
I feel ya pure. The link on the first page fucked me up, I clicked it, and followed all the instructions and assumed I was part of the group.
LOL, me too.
Re: Got a question, sure most of you can answer
12/03/09 7:19 pm | #12
yepp i found it. i just figured since i signed up that i was in lol
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