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Archived: Got The New update!

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Re: Got The New update!
Burnt Waffle
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I got the update last night but Microsoft never sent me an email saying I got in like they did with the NXE preview. I've grabbed a bunch of your questions from previous posts and put them together to condense the thread so the same questions are not continuously asked. Hopefull this will answer some of the questions pouring in....

Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:

:( i haven't gotten in yet but I won't be devastated if I don't

1 question?

Do you get facebook notifications while you are in game or only when you are on the facebook screen?

No. The Facebook application is a separate function from the rest of the dashboard. When you choose the fb app you are taken to a new dashboard dedicated to fb. When you leave that area, you are signed out.

Quote by Tristan8888:

wait. is this the new update with facebook and twitter? and does the xbox finnaly allow us to browse on the internet?

Yes this is that update. No you do not get to browse the internet. Just Facebook, Twitter, Zune Marketplace and Last.fm (depending on your region).

Quote by iKidd:

Is this the update for everyone? Or the early update for those that registered for it?

It's an early preview for those who signed up. The update will launch for everyone else mid to late November.

Quote by unkled20:

I've never used Last.fm but I just checked it out and it seems cool. I do have a question...are you able to listen to music from Last.fm while playing a game?

Last.fm is only available in the US and UK so I'm unsure if you can listen to it while you play a game. If it's anything like Facebook or Twitter, it only works when you are accessing it's dashboard channel.

Quote by celticfann11:

Um I hope the notification come when your playing the game, that's just gay I'f it doesn't

They do not. You sign in and out of both Facebook and Twitter once you leave their respective Dashboard channels. Though I wish they would allow you to post while playing. I guess that's what Raptr (google it) is for though.

Quote by celticfann11:

Um I hope the notification come when your playing the game, that's just gay I'f it doesn't

It would be nice if it was at least an option to turn it on... let alone turn it off. Read this full post for the answer.

Quote by GoingPostal000:

So can you stream LastFM as the game audio while you're playing a game? Last I heard, you could not. Without that, its a waste of time for me. I already have a radio...don't need to heat up my XBOX even further to listen to it. Unless of couse, I can play it while I'm in a game.

Again... probably not, but I wouldn't know as I live in Canada and Last.fm is only available in the US and the UK. I would assume not. Hopefully both of these oversights will change in the near future.

Quote by animefr33k:

It's on the dashboard only but I'd suggest trying it out first, I never used it on the PC but I love it on here.

I guess that answers that!

So all of these options are great... but basically they are just add-ons so that you can access a watered down version of Twitter, Facebook, and so forth on your big screen TV in your living room. It's a great way to show off your FB photos to family, or make a quick Twitter post between games/movies, or listen to Last.fm while doing house chores, but it doesn't add to the overall gaming experience and will certainly not replace a laptop sitting in front of you. Just my opinion though.
Re: Got The New update!
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omfg microsoft is so freakin gay.

your account has to be aged 18 or over to use facebook/twitter/last.fm. so kids, your pretty much screwed unless you lied about your age. how do i know this? i went to the help and question, when to "frequent questions" and it said like "are child accounts supported" and it said any account under age 18 will not be able to use the fb/twitter/last.fm applications. it also said that at launch, parents wont be able to turn the apps on for the kids account...

which honestly i find that RETARDED. you only have to be like, what, 13 to use fb/twitter? MAYBE 15? i mean really. if youre old enough to have an account on the website, you should be old enough to use your account on your 360! microsoft, go die much? if youre going to make the feature atleast make it to where everyone (regardless of age) and use them. or atleast make it to where the parent can set parental/family controls to turn the apps on or off! i mean really, good freakin lord much -_- fail.

Re: Re: Got The New update!
Burnt Waffle
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I've had it for a couple of days now and I'm really liking Last.fm. I just wish I could stream while I played games!

Quote by Taco:

omfg microsoft is so freakin gay.

your account has to be aged 18 or over to use facebook/twitter/last.fm. so kids, your pretty much screwed unless you lied about your age. how do i know this? i went to the help and question, when to "frequent questions" and it said like "are child accounts supported" and it said any account under age 18 will not be able to use the fb/twitter/last.fm applications. it also said that at launch, parents wont be able to turn the apps on for the kids account...

which honestly i find that RETARDED. you only have to be like, what, 13 to use fb/twitter? MAYBE 15? i mean really. if youre old enough to have an account on the website, you should be old enough to use your account on your 360! microsoft, go die much? if youre going to make the feature atleast make it to where everyone (regardless of age) and use them. or atleast make it to where the parent can set parental/family controls to turn the apps on or off! i mean really, good freakin lord much -_- fail.


Damn Taco, that totally sucks.
Re: Re: Re: Got The New update!
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by istakebroad:

I've had it for a couple of days now and I'm really liking Last.fm. I just wish I could stream while I played games!

Quote by Taco:

omfg microsoft is so freakin gay.

your account has to be aged 18 or over to use facebook/twitter/last.fm. so kids, your pretty much screwed unless you lied about your age. how do i know this? i went to the help and question, when to "frequent questions" and it said like "are child accounts supported" and it said any account under age 18 will not be able to use the fb/twitter/last.fm applications. it also said that at launch, parents wont be able to turn the apps on for the kids account...

which honestly i find that RETARDED. you only have to be like, what, 13 to use fb/twitter? MAYBE 15? i mean really. if youre old enough to have an account on the website, you should be old enough to use your account on your 360! microsoft, go die much? if youre going to make the feature atleast make it to where everyone (regardless of age) and use them. or atleast make it to where the parent can set parental/family controls to turn the apps on or off! i mean really, good freakin lord much -_- fail.


Damn Taco, that totally sucks.

Thats y you always use 1985! i didnt enter the update anyway, i couldnt risk being cutoff during cod2 veteran :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Got The New update!
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Quote by SeanTM22:

Quote by istakebroad:

I've had it for a couple of days now and I'm really liking Last.fm. I just wish I could stream while I played games!

Damn Taco, that totally sucks.

Thats y you always use 1985! i didnt enter the update anyway, i couldnt risk being cutoff during cod2 veteran :D

well usually i do put a higher age then mine. ive been on forums since i was like, 9 or 10, maybe even 8, i dont remember how long. so i learned early putting a higher age is better. but i didnt think nothing of it when i first made my xbox live account (which was over a year ago. i think i started w/ BlakZombieTaco like what, last april maybe? as in 2 aprils ago, not the 09 april. yea, cause after a month on xbl i joined here and i joined here in may) and so i had put my age as like a year above my actual age i think. so MS currently thinks in 15 going on 16 in january (actually 14 goin on 15) but still...

either way, i still think its stupid that i cant use em, but i can have an account on em..

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