As far as the golden Hammerburst goes, any store opening at midnight should have them. When I spoke to GameCrazy employees a few weeks ago when I placed my pre-order, they had no idea what I was talking about. When I spoke to the same kid last night about it, he knew all about; he said that they would receive the tokens at some point today, and that they were slated to get so many that they will probably give them out on Friday since they will have some left over. The tokens come on a card, about the size of a 12 Month Live Gold Subscription card. A quick eBay search turns up the token cards going for an outrageous $20. I am not sure what I can do, but I will try to grab up as many token cards as I can if at all possible, and either use them for prizes or raffle them off or something to some XbA members. If possible, I think it would be cool if anyone else from XbA going tonight tries to do the same; it would be pretty sweet if every XbA member had a golden Hammerburst to play with.
The second, more startling rumor, is the fact that the Limited Edition is in very limited quantities. I have even read some outrageous claims that Gamestop has called to cancel some customers L.E. Pre-orders. While I highly doubt that claim, I thought I would enquire about that fact. My friend had said that they were only getting enough L.E. to fill the Pre-order slots; a startling low 45. He had mentioned that some workers, like himself, put 5 pre-orders on their account; 1 for him, and they would get 4 extras to sell to first come first serves. I asked about my pre-order, and he had said that as long as it was pre-ordered within 10 days of the release, I am guaranteed a copy. He also mentioned that he is sure they will get more L.E. copies later on, but at the initial launch they are only getting enough to fill pre-order slots.
Another bit of advice from my past experience with Midnight releases: Try to call ahead and find out exactly what is going on. For example, I knew from Halo 3 that GameCrazy hands out slips of paper with a number on it, and that is how you are called to cash out after midnight. So call your local wherever and find out if they are doing something to that effect, so you don't show up at 11:30 and find out that you are number 562.
Well, that is what I know so far; I figured I would share it with the rest of you. Hopefully some of the confusion is cleared up. I hope to see you all on at some point this weekend; I don't plan to stop (until my gf pulls the plug out