Archived: GoW1 on Insain?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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GoW1 on Insain?
10/21/09 8:20 am | #1
I know its a long time since release, I dont even know if anyone still plays Gears1 a lot, I made a new tag about 1 mnth ago. I want to nab all the single player achievements for Gears1 in 1 playthrough would anyone be able to help me soon. add or message me on XBL if you will.
Re: GoW1 on Insain?
10/21/09 9:07 am | #2
Yeah man hit me up if you still need help this weekend. My xbox should be back from repair on Friday or Saturday. Don't be deceived by this accounts gears achievements, i dont have it beat on this account yet but i have beaten it on insane, and i do know what im doing. And yes, people on these boards to play gears 1, every Wednesday and Friday there is a multiplayer boosting team.
Re: GoW1 on Insain?
10/21/09 10:28 am | #3
You won't be able to do it all in one playthrough. There are some achievements that must be gotten on Hardcore, and the rest of the game you can do on Insane.
I guess you could Insane with someone, then go back and grab the Hardcore ones...
I guess you could Insane with someone, then go back and grab the Hardcore ones...
Re: Re: GoW1 on Insain?
10/21/09 10:36 am | #4
Quote by DefEdge:
You won't be able to do it all in one playthrough. There are some achievements that must be gotten on Hardcore, and the rest of the game you can do on Insane.
I guess you could Insane with someone, then go back and grab the Hardcore ones...
I guess you could Insane with someone, then go back and grab the Hardcore ones...
Not true, I have the full 1250/1250 in Gears 1 and I never played the game on Hardcore. The difficulty achievements stack, even the ones that say Hardcore.
Insane > Hardcore = Achievements
Re: Re: GoW1 on Insain?
10/21/09 10:54 am | #5
Quote by DefEdge:
You won't be able to do it all in one playthrough. There are some achievements that must be gotten on Hardcore, and the rest of the game you can do on Insane.
I guess you could Insane with someone, then go back and grab the Hardcore ones...
I guess you could Insane with someone, then go back and grab the Hardcore ones...
All you have to do is load the chapter for the hardcore cheeves. Takes about 2 minutes for all of them.
Re: GoW1 on Insain?
10/22/09 2:58 pm | #6
The boss achievements have to be done on hardcore, which can be done by loading up the checkpoint. The Berzerker, Corpser, and RAAM are the bosses in question. Those don't stack on Insane, unless there has been a change.
Re: GoW1 on Insain?
10/30/09 7:01 am | #7
ok ill send you an invite this weekend. I have a question. My lvl 100 in gears 2 glitched on me. I forgot that if you play a local match with a lvl 100 account the achievements will unlock. It unlocked when we were doing sniper battles.
I dont want to get reset for a stupid glitch.

Re: GoW1 on Insain?
10/30/09 7:07 am | #8
They won't reset your score for a glitch. I'm assuming you mean a gamesaving score reset. A few glitched achievements are not what MS is looking for. You need not worry!
Re: GoW1 on Insain?
11/01/09 10:00 am | #9
ok good i was getting nervous because i dont want to get reset for something stupid.
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